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Odd Bot 4


Mouse: move
Mouse button or W,A,S,D or Arrow keys: camera view


In Odd Bot 4 game, our robot this time is extremely determined and will overcome every difficulty to reach the golden box and will never give up.

How to play;

She is not only a gold digger, but gold is her passion and she wants to reach it no matter what. It cannot be said that she was very successful in this aim. He needs some guidance. Doesn't give much confidence on its own. It may seem like she did all the work, but your support is essential since the main job is to solve problems. Don't get mad at her as she will go exactly where you click. She's just a robot that does what we say. In some levels there is also a red helper robot. This robot can carry you on its back or provide similar assistance. In short, a stand-alone robot is just a pile of metal; The main thing is the mind behind it! Did someone say artificial intelligence; intelligence is either intelligence or not!


It has HTML5 structure. It opens directly from the browser without the need for a plug-in.


Odd Bot 4