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Plane Racing Madness


Player 1
Arrow keys: drive
X: booster
C: break
Space: power-up
N: camera
P: pause
F: full screen

Player 2
W,A,S,D: drive
H: booster
G: break
J: power-up
Y: camera


Plane Racing Madness is a 3D pilot game where you race with propeller planes. The game has 1 and 2 player options and different gameplay modes.

How to play;

Continue from Solo for one person and Versus for two people. Again, different planes can be purchased from the Garage menu, which can be accessed from the main page. In addition to the Championship and Arcade modes, there is also the Time Trial mode in addition to the single player.


Made with Unity WebGL. In supported browsers, the plug-in opens directly without asking.


Plane Racing Madness